I am just obsessed with books and libraries lately. Just added it in. Bookstores could get some ideas from this lens too. This is an awesome lens. BUILD SOMETHING - Stock the display with project books, woodworking (dog houses, birdhouses, etc. I love when people bookmark my blog posts . I absolutely love your lenses! And Im adding in Human Rights Month under December good one! This site provides many specific display ideas that can be used in a variety of settings. Thanks for the link! Blind Date With a Book Library Display- Round Two! on November 25, 2011: With the new online reading many are afraid it is the death toll for libraries. "Most importantly," writes the American Library Association (ALA), "libraries also connect communities to . Any newsworthy event gives you free hype for a display. I recommend changing displays monthly, so a topic like Hispanic Heritage Month works great for that. Some topics we included are music, science, history, cooking, and sports. For example, on December 7th, put some Pearl Harbor books on the rack. I usually have a stack of books I have to read in the future, but sometimes it's more difficult to find books for my daughter. I also feel that this one works because it is slightly more subtle and allows the books to really jump out. I like your lens, I enjoyed reading it. I've always preferred it when libraries display as many books as they can. AUTHOR OF THE WEEK (fill this with one author, change it when the books run low) This display can run all year without changing the sign. Using sticky notes is a great way to make a colourful displays. I love using daysoftheyear.com to find cool and different holidays by the month, year, or even day! ), construction, landscaping projects. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new blog posts. 1 April 2022. FALL PLEASURES (show off any pretty books about autumn, New England fall travel, pumpkins, apple cider), TIME FOR A MAKEOVER (this can be home makeovers, home staging, life makeovers, plastic surgery, weight loss), THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR (display feel-good books on family, pets, etc. but all men of cultured tastes know that books and not these instruments of recreations can satisfy our craving for knowledge and for stable and lasting companionship of the wise which is essential for the free development of our personality. And I only went to MY library!! Feature shelf-sitters.) I've included a bunch below with some general discussion around them. Thanks. Also show off books with purple, lavender or lilac in the title. This set of September Library posters is part of my larger Year of Library Displays set. Library book displays always get my attention and stop me in my tracks! So much info that I can't process all of it. . Weslandia Contest! 9 October - World Migratory . A display at the Osceola County Public Library in Central Florida. No offence, but I thought that librarians job is kind of boring. You, my friend, are the most helpful and the best cheerleader a person could hope for. Forgot about that one! Explore this guide to learn about the display topics and discover more books in our collection. You can add this page to your favorites or pin it on your Pinterest board. This display is based on the theme "Courage". Includes editable readalike bookmarks. Grades. Just what i need as a children's librarian . I am emailing this link to my girlfriend right now, as yes, she is a librarian! Save 20% off individual prices and make your library the center of your school! ORGANIZED AT LAST (books on storage, de-cluttering, housekeeping, filing, time management) A common New Year's resolution is getting organized. (LogOut/ I really love seeing this. Trying too hard in front of teens and middle graders is a death sentence. Don't forget medieval, Roman times, and other very early fiction. My library has just done a big overhaul of the way they display books - they have a table near the front that they rotate every week with a new theme, they have librarian's pick, new books near the front, etc. Aug 10, 2022 - Explore Rose Humphreys's board "Library theme ideas" on Pinterest. Will you be updating your list and sharing? They love the idea of promoting books and you can place a small donor plaque on the shelving unit. She took a whole bunch of red and green ones with gold and silver etchings and made them into a holiday (not Christmas) tree. Spring Cleaning is the topic for this selection of books. World Space Week website; World Space Week Display ideas; 4-10 October - Dyslexia Awareness Week. on September 26, 2011: A great collection of ideas. What an incredibly useful page for librarians and bookstore owners, too. Feature lots of historical fiction from all different eras. Create colorful and engaging bulletin boards in your elementary library and get your students, teachers, and staff involved with interactive elements. January is Tamil Heritage month February is Heart & Stroke month and dont forget National Flag Day on Feb 15 March is also Italian Heritage Month April is Sikh Heritage month and Oral Health month May is also car care month June is Italian Heritage Month and Stroke Awareness month September is Hispanic Heritage Month, Arthritis awareness month October is Islam/Muslim Heritage Month, Canada Library Month, Eye Health Canada Month November CPR month, Diabetes Month, Community Safety and Crime Prevention, Health Food Month. As part of a quest, we are asked to leave a thank you for the most helpful squidooer. Fabulous book display resource page! You could turn it into a contest and send leaflets home with students (provide schools with the leaflets). I love all your suggestions and I've made note of my favorites! Try featuring a trio of books in the center of a round study table. Libraries continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many still grappling with providing appropriate services or sometimes . World Introvert Day - Showcase books about discovering yourself.. Earth's Rotation Day - Show off your space and Earth-themed books. You could also do a Decemberly display celebrating the author Ed Emberley. CruiseReady from East Central Florida on September 22, 2011: LOVE the "Score with a Good Book" display. Have it near the circulation desk so people will grab up one or two books before they check out. 4) Enjoy! The display changes each month. The theme of this year's National Library Week, April 3-9, is "Connect with Your Library.". I mostly stood in awe of her expertise. Address. Zip. ), TV TIE-INS (books related to television shows, TV stars, reality shows, fan books, books that inspired television shows), WOODWORKING PROJECTS (making wooden toys, furniture, whittling, carving, cabinet work, even home building), ALL ABOUT ANTIQUES (collectibles, price guides, history of antiques), PAIN - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT (back pain, headaches, foot pain, other kinds of pain, treatment, management of chronic pain, prevention through exercise, safe lifting), GET THE JOB YOU WANT (resume books, interviewing, cover letters, job searching, job training), FIND YOUR FAMILY ROOTS (genealogy, collecting oral history, videotaping grandparents, writing family memories), ODDITIES (circus sideshow, odd architecture, unusual animals, unique scenery/travel), SPY STORIES or SPY VS SPY (bring out all the espionage fiction, don't forget James Bond), THANKSGIVING FICTION (Check Goodreads for seasonal fiction lists), READY FOR WINTER? Camp COVID Summer Learning: Our Black History Awakening Mural (The Frederick Douglass Edition) The Telling Room: SWARM! I like the feel of a real book and appreciate them still being available. Now if I only could get a job as a Librarian! HUG A POET - National Poetry Month (feature poetry books, biographies of poets and how to write poetry) I recommend separate displays for poetry for children and poetry for adults. "Happy Pride Month! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! I hunt for ones that are reasonably flat for easy storage. 4 October - World Habitat Day. (feature popular titles for teens), GET ORGANIZED WEEK - The first week in October (display books on overcoming clutter, home storage, organizing at home or work). For things that change each year Ive given a range as I will likely forget to update this calendar each year. Who knew there is such interest in ferrets among other pets! Id love to hear your display secrets! You would be amazed at the number of books including dots and spots. Follow up with It's RED Book Day, and so on. I often get frustrated in libraries by poor book displays. 4-10 October - World Space Week. St. John's Public Library in New Brunswick, Canada - The books are wrapped in plain brown paper with a short description written on it. 2) Use that PDF to click on the specific title you would like to find in the database. I love this list! (16) $10.00. It'll draw people into the library. Libraries are places that connect users to technology, computers, books, multimedia content, programs, ideas and classes. This vintage Valentine from my collection could be enlarged and words added next to it for your February display of books for Valentine's Day. Learn how your comment data is processed. It was an eye opener. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Your displays are incredible! Thank you also. SPORTS AND FITNESS MONTH (feature books about aerobics, weightlifting, biking, hiking, and all sorts of sports), STAFF FAVORITES (get everyone on the staff to pull 2 or 3 books that they liked and put them in this display). You'll want to come back each month for more ideas. One to add might be Dot Day in September, an international celebration of Peter Reynolds book The Dot. A single or double book stand is great for featuring a special book right at the circulation desk where people will notice it as they check out their books. Know of a celebration or event that is not on the list? I think Canva can be a wonderful tool, especially if we dont rely too heavily on the preset templates. It makes me wish I was back in the public library world, instead of the dry corporate one (where we don't even keep the dust jackets!). ALZHEIMER AWARENESS MONTH - fiction and nonfiction about alzheimer's, caregivers, choosing a nursing home. This might be a good spot to display a sign like TODAY IN HISTORY with something fresh each day. Diane Cass from New York on August 31, 2012: Fantastic! This itself is a great library lens of brilliant ways to keep and collect books. Make every bit of space in the library useful, by fitting in odd-sized racks wherever you can. Our designers will give you new ideas to create unique custom . Here are some example themes that Librarian Judy Brown has used at. QUILTS ON DISPLAY! You are so right--readers are leaders. If the budget won't stretch to buy one of these, check with the Friends of the Library or a special donor. It's become a rather joke that other people do them and I tweak. Send me your link for a display or series of displays to be included in this listing. Before planning a display for the month of May, or any other month in the . 2. International Dog Day is Monday, August 26 , Oh, thanks for catching that! I didn't set up book displays, but I put together bulletin boards which was fun. Of course, the books listed here can be borrowed through interlibrary loan. When the display gets depleted, it's easy to change the sign and put fresh books on the rack. I do not have an upgraded service. Ive added that one to the calendar. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. I'll put a link on there. To use a Virtual Book Display: 1) Click on the display you want to explore. Have fun brainstorming more ideas and keep your readers coming back. (Student Writers and Readers Meet!) Fill the display with authors similar to the featured author. Thank you, you are a mind reader this type of list has been on my To Do list (as you can see from that sentence my lists have lists!) ), CHRISTMAS BAKING (put out all the cookie, pie, and cake books), DECEMBER HOLIDAYS (Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Christmas in other countries), HOLIDAY PARTIES AND FEASTS (party planning books, party foods, holiday cookbooks), National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (on December 7th feature some books on a tabletop display about Pearl Harbor and World War II), Wright Brothers Day (December 17 set up a tabletop display about them and about the history of flight), LET IT SNOW (fiction books with the word snow or blizzard or winter in the title, books on winterizing the house, books about snowmen, skiing/skating/sledding books), Get Hooked on Books (use fishing gear to set the tone), Books Take You Anywhere (use a world map for the backdrop on this display). A general winter display is always popular. I made this small display around the time I was running my library lessons on misinformation and responsible researching. Also, December is a good month for winter topics. This set of 21 library display posters contains all you need to SAVE TIME and show off your school or public library's best books and themes for January. ), ENJOY YOUR GARDEN (books on garden pests, growing vegetables, mulching, cookbooks for salads, vegetables and canning), I'M BORED - KEEP THE KIDS BUSY (books about activities for kids, crafts, trips, science, nature, games, camping), ENJOY NATURE - (books about visiting national parks, birding, butterfly and hummingbird gardening, wildllife, identifying wildflowers and trees), FAMILY REUNION MONTH - (books about planning a reunion, finding relatives, picnics, outdoor group games, even genealogy), URBAN HOMESTEADING - (books about raising chickens, gardening, growing fruits and vegetables in your backyard). Lime Juice (a graphic design agency) produce some really cool themed library book merchandising posters that you can buy, print out yourself and use for your merchandising displays. Alternate slogans could be CHANGE YOUR LIFE or MAKE THIS A BETTER YEAR. We celebrated National Underwear Day (August) by having an underwear drive for area homeless shelters. Keep an eye on your inbox. 202.962.3680 This also makes an ideal time to highlight all the art and drawing books. We have a wonderful one at school though. (LogOut/ Adding Star Wars Reads in October to my list. International City/County Management Association. It is essential to get maximum use out of the materials and to keep your patrons interested and returning again and again. (LogOut/ Once a coworker had to go to lunch and asked me to finish. Because I loved working in the children's department an' read many, many of the children's books, that librarian did occasionally take my suggestions an' make smaller displays of books that I found to be remarkable. They jump out at you, demand your attention, and make you consider things outside of your own headphones. Lastly, I didnt include generic displays that can be put up anytime of the year.